Function Reference


Returns the data of an element of the struct.

DllStructGetData ( Struct, Element [, index ] )



Struct The struct returned by DllStructCreate.
Element Which element of the struct you want to access, starting at 1.
index *If the element is an array, you need to specify which index to return, otherwise it returns index 1.
*char[n], byte[n] and ubyte[n] return all element data when index is omitted.


Return Value

Success: Data in the element of the struct.
Failure: 0.
@Error: 0 = No Error.
1 = Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate.
2 = Element value out of range.
3 = index would be outside of the struct.
4 = Element data type is unknown
5 = index < 0.



When the element is char[n] and index is omitted the data returned is a String,
when the element is byte[n] or ubyte[n] and index is omitted the data returned is a BinaryString,
otherwise it always returns a number.



DllCall, DllStructCreate, DllStructSetData



From MSDN:
typedef struct _OSVERSIONINFO
  DWORD dwOSVersionInfoSize;    //1
  DWORD dwMajorVersion;         //2
  DWORD dwMinorVersion;         //3
  DWORD dwBuildNumber;          //4
  DWORD dwPlatformId;           //5
  TCHAR szCSDVersion[ 128 ];    //6
$p  = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;char[128]")

;think of this as p->dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)
DllStructSetData($p, 1, DllStructGetSize($p))

;make the DllCall
$ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","GetVersionEx","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($p))

if Not $ret[0] Then
    MsgBox(0,"DllCall Error","DllCall Failed")

;get the returned values
$major      = DllStructGetData($p,2)
$minor      = DllStructGetData($p,3)
$build      = DllStructGetData($p,4)
$platform   = DllStructGetData($p,5)
$version    = DllStructGetData($p,6)

;free the struct
$p =0

msgbox(0,"","Major: " & $major & @CRLF & _
            "Minor: " & $minor & @CRLF & _
            "Build: " & $build & @CRLF & _
            "Platform ID: " & $platform & @CRLF & _
            "Version: " & $version)